Get Vaccinated
How to Get Your Vaccine:
It has never been easier to get a COVID-19 vaccination in NYC. People 12 and older are eligible for the vaccine. People who are 12 to 17 years old are only eligible for the Pfizer vaccine

Get Vaccinated Today
It has never been easier to get a COVID-19 vaccination in NYC. People 12 and older are eligible for the vaccine. Learn about the benefits of vaccination.
City, State, Federal Resources on Vaccinations
With the rapid spread of the delta and omicron variants of the virus, it has never been more important to get vaccinated. These variants are more contagious, more likely to cause severe illness, more likely to reinfect someone who already had COVID-19 and more likely to infect young people. Get your 2 doses + Booster today!

Health Screening
All DOE employees, students, families, and visitors seeking to enter DOE buildings must wear a mask and complete a health screening before entering DOE facilities. This health screening must be completed on each day of arrival and results will reset at midnight of each day. Upon entering the facility you will be asked to provide the results of your screening either by showing your phone or a printout of the results.
As you know, we have been distributing rapid at home tests to staff as well as to students who are close exposures of a confirmed positive COVID case. Please take a few moments to watch this video that shows you how to correctly take the rapid at home test to ensure error-free and valid results.
Multilingual COVID19 Guidance Flow Chart
Scroll the document for more information
Please view Principal DeFlorio's message to students and families about new COVID-19 protocols, quarantining, and testing.
COVID19 - Meals and Food Access
Dear Families,
While spots for free food delivery through our partnership with FEF are now on a wait-list, there are other resources!
Please fill out this new form so that a member of our staff can connect you to resources in your community that can help you get food for your family.
Food Access and Meals
UPDATE: ANY New Yorker can pick up 3 free meals daily from 7:30am-1:30pm M-F at 400 NYC sites: https://schools.nyc.gov/freemeals
Free breakfast, lunch, dinner for all students (no ID necessary), to get info on sites near you that are offering
Call 311 or text "FOOD/COMIDA" to 877 877
Visit ACCESS HRA to apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP/food stamps)
NYC Department for the Aging provides home-delivered meals are available for seniors ages 60 years and older who may have disabilities, access, or functional needs.
Foodbank NYC has a interactive map with providers who have switched to “grab and go” meals and pantry bags to minimize the risk of exposure.
HungerFree NYC publishes Neighborhood Guides to Food and Assistance”. These guides covers all neighborhoods in NYC by zip code and are available in multiple languages.
Need help finding healthy, free food in your community?
Call the WhyHunger Hotline at 1-800-5-HUNGRY or text your zip code to 1-800-548-6479
You can also visit whyhunger.org/findfood
FoodHelp NYC https://maps.nyc.gov/foodhelp/
Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is rapidly changing life in New York City. To help connect community members in need with food resources during this challenging time, the Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center is currently creating Coronavirus NYC Food Resource Guides for each NYC neighborhood.
Neighborhoods are divided by the 59 community districts defined by the New York City Department of Health. The neighborhood lines and zip codes used for these reports are based on the districts used in the 2018 Community Health Profiles, which contain over fifty measures and statistics of neighborhood health.
Each resource guide includes information related to food access within the community, such as meals for students and seniors during this time, delivery services for people with disabilities, and resources for immigrants. Resource guides will be published and updated as rapidly as possible, in order of the NYC neighborhoods most impacted by poverty and food insecurity.
Other Food Access sites:
Street Smarts NYC (Manhattan)
Feeding America (All 5 Boroughs)
Feeding Our Neighbors (Manhattan, The Bronx, Staten Island)
Invisible Hands Deliver
Invisible Hands Deliver is doing no-contact delivery of food
Pet Food Resources
The ASPCA has established a pet food distribution center in New York City in partnership with the Petco Foundation, Blue Buffalo, and PetSmart Charities to provide dog and cat owners free access to crucial food and supplies, including kitty litter. To keep in line with social distancing guidelines, food and supplies will be available by appointment only. Pet owners should call the ASPCA Pet Food Distribution Helpline at (800)738-9437 to request an appointment.
This includes dog and cat supplies only, and distribution is subject to eligibility and availability. Open to residents of New York City; no same-day appointments; one-hour window for pick-up, don't come early and call if you're running late; bring a photo ID and be prepared to carry supplies! (DON'T bring pets!)