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מיטלשול פֿאַר ענוויראָנמענטאַל שטודיום
444 וועסט 56 סטריט, ניו יארק, ניו יאָרק 10019 | הויפּט טעלעפאָנירן (212) 262-8113
NYC Academic and NYS Regents Exam Calendars
This is the 2022–23 school year calendar for all 3K–12 NYCDOE public schools.
Please note the following:
November 8, Election Day, is a non-attendance day for students. No in-person or remote instruction will be provided.
On “Snow days” or days when school buildings are closed due to an emergency, all students and families should plan on participating in remote learning.
Individual schools’ Parent-Teacher Conference dates might be different from the dates below. Your child’s teacher will work with you to schedule your conference.

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